YaWowy Engage Module

  • Instantly built state of the art content for your promotional micro-sites.
  • Build and manage marketing Campaigns to drive customers to the your site,
  • Multi-Channel Marketing (Email, Direct Mail, Social Media, Mobile & Search)
  • Online store, e-commerce, Analytics and Reports.

Build Microsites Instantly

Create promotional micro-sites in 3 easy steps, choose a professional design template that fits your business, customize styles and content, preview site on specific browser and publish.

Content Management

Improve your search engine ranking, and adopt to customer views by constantly changing your site content to market your product and services better. Change content and publish instantly.

Marketing Campaigns

Create and manage your marketing campaigns, this module includes contact management, campaign management across multiple delivery channels like email, direct mail, social media and more.

e-Commerce Solution

Start selling online in no time with a complete e-commerce solution, set up online store, product catalog, manage your inventory, sales management, provisioning, shipping, reports and more.

Personalized URLs - PURL

Attract your customers and prospects by customizing the promotional URLs with customer name and build dynamic content specific to the end user. Track users end to end from email to conversions.

Smart Forms

Collect customer data or feedback using standard common forms, customize or build your own form dynamically to fit your need. Export or generate custom reports based on the customer feedback.

Data Extensions

Collect customer data or feedback using standard common forms, customize or build your own form dynamically to fit your need. Export or generate custom reports based on the customer feedback.

User Tracking and Analytics

Leverage on built-in User Tracking mechanism to know your users better. Integrate your websites to most popular analytical tools like Google Analytics, WebTrends, etc. instantly using built-in widgets.

Professional Website Designs

Bridges the gap between the business and the talents who can create state of art web designs. YaWowy template store allows professional designer from across the world to publish for anyone to use.

SEO Optimization

Any site built on this platform automatically includes industry standard Search Engine Optimization, it provides ability to the author to customize meta tags to improve the rankings on search engines.

Social Media Integration

Generate snippets for any content that can be used in any social media postings. Insert social media sharing and follow widgets anywhere on your website to promote your content on social media.